Improving Social and Emotional Learning in Primary Schools

EEF Report Summary


The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is a UK-based independent charity founded in 2011, primarily funded by the Department for Education and philanthropic donations. It aims to enhance educational outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged students, through research, funding innovative educational projects, promoting evidence-based practices and influencing education policy. The EEF's core mission is to reduce educational inequality and improve the quality of education across the UK by leveraging research and evidence-based approaches to benefit all students.

Their report ‘Improving Social and Emotional Learning in Primary Schools’ discusses using SEL in primary schools to achieve better outcomes for staff and students. This useful resource summarises the 48 page PDF report into just 2 pages so you can absorb the key takeaways much faster. 


Topic: Social and Emotional Learning

Type: Research Paper

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